Tennessee Homeschoolers want an ESA - Here's what you can do about it
If you live in Tennessee and want homeschoolers to be included in an ESA we are here to help.
Subscribe to this Substack: Tennessee School Choice to receive updates AND to stay informed about the progress of school choice for homeschoolers in TN.
Call AND email your State Representative and State Senator and add their contact information to your phone
State Representatives are listed here: https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/LegislatorInfo/directory.aspx?chamber=H
State Senators are listed here:
Here’s a sample email:
Subject: Please Vote to include Homeschoolers in Tennessee School Choice Bill
Dear (State Law Maker),
I am writing as a Tennessee Homeschooler to ask for your support to include Tennessee Homeschoolers in any and every school choice bill that you vote on.
Any category on which public schools spend money should be eligible for parents to direct their child’s educational dollars towards. Educational state funds should follow the student, not the school.
Are you willing to support universal eligibility for school choice?
Thank you,
Share this page with at least 10 friends so that we can flood the capital with homeschoolers in support of ESAs